The Inaugural Illuminating Excellence Gala April 5, 2025
The Illuminating Excellence Gala and Leadership Development Program serves to equip, encourage, and stimulate young ladies and gentlemen who are juniors and seniors in high school to pursue higher education, academic excellence, personal development, and civic involvement. The program focuses on the needs of minority and underserved young people with objectives to:
Enhance personal, civic and leadership development through structured educational workshops.
Promote high academic achievement and provide scholarships towards higher education.
Promote servant leadership through volunteerism and community service.
Promote high ethical standards, character development, good citizenship, and social graces during the formative years.
Promote camaraderie and positive relationships with other young women.
Promote artistic expression and health through dance and movement.
The program objectives are achieved through a seven-month curriculum consisting of educational workshops, activities, community service outings and rehearsals.
The culminating event of the program is the Illuminating Excellence Gala, to be held on April 5, 2024 at which the young ladies and gentlemen are formally presented to the Hudson Valley community in Poughkeepsie, New York, and potentially awarded scholarships and prizes. Our outstanding Teen Leadership Program Participants are: